One-click listing and relocation for multiple shops to reduce repetitive work

Unified management for multiple shops

Multi-shop management
Unified management for multi-shop listing and shelving, with convenient and quick re-shelving, and support for timed publishing
Simplify the workfow
Common templates and size charts can be flexibly selected, with automatic caching of the last batch of listed product records, and synchronized settings for multi-site languages and images

One-click batch listing/editing

One-click listing
Outstanding throughput, capable of stocking hundreds of thousands of items in a day and listing millions of listings in a day
Batch modihcation
Basic information, pricing and inventory, detailed descriptions, packaging and logistics, and other dimensions of data can be flexibly modified in batches
Quick data Moving

One-click data move under the same platform
One-click copy of multiple products to multiple shops, with support for custom modifications, for a more efficient, flexible, and convenient process
One-click data move amang different platforms
Data is interoperable and transferable between various platforms, with accurate and complete product data, efficient matching of format structures and category attributes, and flexible adaptation of images and prices